Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Are Group Buys Worth It??

To Group Buy or Not to Group Buy. What are the most important questions?
Part 1 Group Drop Off

Has someone in your area set up a drop off for a company? Wondering if it is really worth it?

Here are some points to consider.

Do you know the person setting up the group buy?
I've seen to many people burned by someones group buy. Joe talks to Company X and can get sleeping bags $15 cheaper IF they buy 100 sleeping bags. Joe then talks to social media group B to see if they can find people to buy 100 sleeping bags. So you decide that you could use 5 sleeping bags and use an online payment method, and pay for your 5 sleeping bags. ~Lets stop here.~ So much could go wrong. First Joe could be ripping you off. They may have never talked to Company X, and are just taking your money. Since you sent the money online, and called it a gift, there is nothing you can do. Second did you really need the 5 sleeping bags? You might have. On the other hand, are you just buying sleeping bags because they are $15 cheaper?? There are other ways to find a good deal. Most items go on-sale at least once a year. Back to the story. Joe get the sleeping bags and its pick up time. Most of the time picks ups are at one time on one day. Joe picks Saturday at 9:00 am. So you're now pick up your 5 sleeping bags. Everything is happy right? Maybe.

Here's the next problem. Although helping people become more prepared is wonderful, you really don't want the whole city knowing how much you have. This time its just 5 sleeping bags, so really its not a huge problem, except 20 people now know you have an emergency stock pile. Your kids piano teacher, your Spouse's co-worker, and the lady that does your hair. Those people don't seem so bad, and really they are not. The people you don't want know your have a stock pile is the “extreme preppers”. The ones that plan on killing everyone for their supplies. There have been quite a few groups that have come out into the open and have stated, that this is their plan.

Don't become a target think before your next group buy.

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