Monday, January 18, 2016

Buck up and Start Planning!

Buck up and start planning for what??  Back in October I wrote an article called Death of a County.  Saturday I wrote about a growing bad feeling that something bad is going to happen to our economy.  Actually something bad is already happening to our economy.  Two major companies are closing some of their stores, Walmart and Macy's.  Not a great sign.  Sound like 2008?  So if you can see something bad is happening what do you do?  Sit by and let it happen?  NO!  You do something about it!

I'll have more detailed posts later, but here is what I'm planning for the new year!

1. A Garden.  Ok so I always plan on having a garden, but it needs some major improvements. I'll have a post about that later.

2. Goats.  In the Great Depression it was said that if you had a cow and a garden you were lucky because you ate better then most others.  Goats mean milk, cheese, and soap.

3. A year supply.  Think its for crazy preppers?  Think again!! I'll let you know why I like having some of my favorites on hand.

4. Canning Plan.  I like canning and have even won awards in our local fair, but this year it takes on a whole new meaning.

5. Shopping. Getting great deals means I can buy more food.

6.  Chickens and Turkeys. I love my feather babies!  I talk to them, feed them, and in return I get delicous eggs.  This year I'm going to try to build my own cabinet incubator.  They normally cost $1000+ but I'm trying to see if I can build one for less then $50. We'll see if experimenting will work.

What ides do you have for this year?  Do you feel like the economy is heading for trouble?  Leave me a message!


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