Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Worldless Wednesday

Getting Rid of Bugs with Dill!

 I found a a disturbing sight when I went into the garden yesterday.  My beet tops eaten to stubs.  With a closer look I found the little bugger doing the job.  A gray and blacked dotted beetle.  Even worse they were starting to enjoy my squash plants.  I did notice that the beetle did not go near the squash plant that was near dill.  Happy Day!  I did dust the beets with Diatomaceous Earth, to kill them off.  Be careful with Diatomaceous Earth!  It is not a discriminatory killer!  It will kill all bugs that happen to touch it.  This morning I went out and watered the garden and made sure the poison washed off. 
 Wouldn't want a bee getting poisoned while pollinating the garden.  I
See the little gray beetles? 

Even leaving their mark on my squash plants!

Same plant just had dill by the leaves!!

After being dusted with poison.  Saved the female blossom.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Darklight Headlamp~ Review

Practical! I found that I could use this light to read, and garden by. It is bright! Perfect for finding Tomato Worms!

I love that I could angle the light to where I needed it most. I didn't have to twist my neck and could do tasks while comfy!

I didn't like the top strap. Because of my long hair the top strap was a pain! It took forever to get it in a comfy place and then it took a while to figure out how to get out of the straps without pulling my hair out. I found that it is much easier to just take the top strap off. I'm sure not many have hair down to their bum and have to deal with that problem, but I did. Kiddo likes all of the straps, but his hair is kept short.

To find and purchase your own lamp go here.

I received the product for free in exchange for my unbiased review.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Aloe Vera Gel by La Lune Naturals~ Review

Where to start??  There are so many think I absoutly loved about the Aloe Gel I recieved from Lune Naturals!

1.  When I opened the package I noticed that there were 3 different caps to the bottle.  A plan cap, and cap with a spout and a pumper.  Defenaly winning me over already.  Right now I have the pump on my bottle and love it.

2. Leaves my hair so soft its ridiculous.  Every few days I substitute my regular conditioner with Lune Naturals Aloe Gel.  I love it!  It leaves my hair so soft.  The down side is that my hair seems to need washed more often......... 

3. Helps with sunburns.  Kinda a no brainer, but thought I would still put it on here.  Helped my skin feel better after working in the sun.

4. Eczema!  Used it on my child's eczema and it cleared up in 2 days.  Need I say any more?  Simply amazing.  

5. Free e-book! Loved getting a free e-book with recipes.  I have yet to use it since the product is amazing all by its self.  The fact that it comes with a book is just amazing, often when you get an all natural product the company expects you to know how to use it.  The e-book makes it easy for beginners to start.

Need to get you own check here on Amazon.  Well worth it. 

 **I received the product for free in exchange for my unbiased review.**

Someone little wanted to show off his belly! No more itching!

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Glow stick Review

I'm loving the long summer days!  Today thought we had a rain storm and had to stay inside and play.  Thank goodness I had just received some glow sticks!  We needed something new to do with them so we played Ring Toss with glow sticks!  We had a blast. 
I ordered my glow sticks off of Amazon ( and love them.  They lasted about 5 hours.  Were easy to break and get glowing and were bright.  They are worth the money, for 100 glow sticks.  We had a ton of fun and can't wait for another rainy summer night.  

* I was given this item for free in exchange for a unbiased review.*

Wordless Wednesday!