Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Getting Rid of Bugs with Dill!

 I found a a disturbing sight when I went into the garden yesterday.  My beet tops eaten to stubs.  With a closer look I found the little bugger doing the job.  A gray and blacked dotted beetle.  Even worse they were starting to enjoy my squash plants.  I did notice that the beetle did not go near the squash plant that was near dill.  Happy Day!  I did dust the beets with Diatomaceous Earth, to kill them off.  Be careful with Diatomaceous Earth!  It is not a discriminatory killer!  It will kill all bugs that happen to touch it.  This morning I went out and watered the garden and made sure the poison washed off. 
 Wouldn't want a bee getting poisoned while pollinating the garden.  I
See the little gray beetles? 

Even leaving their mark on my squash plants!

Same plant just had dill by the leaves!!

After being dusted with poison.  Saved the female blossom.

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